MS Access (Jet)
"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA Source=[Path to database];User ID=Admin;Password=dbpassword"
  • You can use Server.Mappath function to identify Path to your database.  For example, if the DB file is in the /database directory under your web root, you would use server.mappath("/database/test.mdb").  As an alternative, you can also insert the full path.  You can find the path in the Account Information section in your control panel.
  • You can omit the User Id & Password attributes, if your Access Database is not password protected.
"Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=[SQLServerName];Initial Catalog=[DatabaseName];User Id=[SQL Login];Password=[SQL Password]"

  • For ASP.NET applications, you should consider using the .NET native SQL data provider rather than using Ole.
  • You can find the SQL server information in the SQL Manager in your control panel.
If you run into problems when using this code, please post in our community forum. Technical support is unable to assist with specific coding issues.