How to Upgrade from Version 4.2 to 4.3

  1. Before you try to update nopCommerce, you'll want to make a backup of the site in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process and you need to restore it.  Follow the instructions here to make a backup of your database first.  Then follow the instructions here to connect to your site via FTP to download all the files to a folder.  (FileZilla was chosen as the default FTP client because of its widespread use, but any FTP client will work.)

  2. Go to GitHub to download version 4.3.  You'll need to click on "Assets" to see the files available for download.  Make sure you download the NoSource package and appropriate bit version.  Also, download the UpgradeScripts rar file.  Extract them both on your computer.

  3. Connect to your database using SQL Server Management Studio.  Highlight your database by left clicking on it and then go to File > Open > File... (or CTRL-O).  Select upgrade.sql from the UpgradeScripts directory created from Step 2 and click on Open.  Click on the Execute button or F5 to run the script and wait for the script to finish running.  This will upgrade your database so that it will work correctly with version 4.3.

  4. Delete all the files in your hosting account and upload the NoSource files you extracted from Step 2.  Double check the connection string in the dataSettings.json file and make sure these options "Encrypt=Yes;TrustServerCertificate=Yes;" are included in the connection string.  Copy the .json files (dataSettings.json, plugins.json, appsettings.json) in the /App_Data and root folder from the backup you made in Step 1 to the same location on the server, overwriting them.

  5. Open a browser, type in the URL of your site, and hit enter.  If you've completed all of these steps without running into an error, then you have successfully upgraded your site from version 4.2 to 4.3.

    (Note: If you chose to store your pictures in the file system, then you will need upload them from your backup to server.  The images are found in \wwwroot\Images folder.)