The Scheduled Task Manager allows you to schedule the web server to make a call to a specific file at certain predetermined intervals. Those intervals are:

  • Every 15 minutes
  • Every hour
  • Every 3 hours
  • Every 6 hours
  • Every 12 hours
  • Every day
  • Every week
  • Every month

So if you have a script on your site that you run every day or every week to send email, perform database maintenance, etc., you can use this tool to run the script automatically.  You can set up two scheduled tasks.

Simply complete the fields under "New Task" to start your scheduled task:

Enabled - Check this box activate the task as soon as you submit the form.  If you wish to stop a task temporarily, click the "Edit" link for an existing task and uncheck this box.

Name - A descriptive name used to identify the task.

URL - Select the domain you wish to use to access the file from the dropdown list and enter the file name in the field that follows the domain.

Interval - Select the interval that you wish to use; daily, weekly, etc.

Start Date - Enter the date you wish the task to begin running in MM/DD/YYYY format.  Select the time you would like the task to be executed.  You may choose any hour of the day in 15 minute increments.   Note that scheduling a task to run at 10:45 does not mean the task will run at exactly 10:45.  Scheduled tasks are run in a batch on the server, so depending on how many tasks are in the batch, where your task is in the batch and how long the batch takes to run, there may be a delay between your selected time and the time the task is actually executed.

End Date - Enter the date you wish the task to stop running in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Username - If the URL is password protected, enter the appropriate username here.

Password - If the URL is password protected, enter the appropriate password here.

If the Control Panel Scheduled Task Manager Does Not Properly Call Your Page

When you access the scheduled task URL directly with the browser, it works fine, but when the scheduled task manager calls the page, it does not work properly.

This problem is likely caused by your page having a redirect.  The scheduler does not follow HTTP redirects.  When the HTTP call is made to the page on your site it must return a 200 response.  If it returns a 301 or a 302, then it will not work correctly.

Please make sure you don't have any redirects on the page you're calling with the Scheduled Task Manager.